
Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog.

I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Friday, 2 April 2010

Making life easier for sponsors

I have received an email from the Project Mala team letting me know that they have been working hard to improve how sponsors such as me receive information about the children they sponsor. In some ways I am surprised to receive this message as I have not had any difficulty finding information about the girl I sponsor through Project Mala. When I first became a sponsor I was given a user name and password, and it was explained to me that this would allow me to access information about the child I sponsor. School reports are posted on the Project Mala website so all I had to do to find out about her progress was visit the Project Mala website, enter my user name and password in the ‘Sponsor login’ box on the homepage and check for updates.

One of the new features is that Project Mala will be able to notify sponsors when any new information or picture of the sponsored child is loaded into your login, rather than the sponsor have to keep checking.

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