
Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog.

I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Saturday, 26 June 2010

Project Mala film part two

I notice that there is another Project Mala film on the list alongside the film I have been watching on You Tube. As well as further footage of the schools, staff and pupils, Documentary on Project Mala - part 2 features a parent of one of the children who attends a Project Mala School. By listening to what this mother has to say about why her family has decided they want their daughter to go to school viewers gain an insight into the significant difference Project Mala makes … or can do with support from people like you. If you or anyone you know may want to know more about the work of Project Mala please visit the Project Mala website or find ten minutes to watch the films.

See Project Mala in action NOW ~ using You Tube

On a recent visit to the homepage of the Project Mala website I was delighted to notice the addition of a new film. I remember well, a short film I watched a while ago about the children helped by Project Mala. It included some amazing scenes of happy, hard-working children, keen to study and grateful for the chance Project Mala gives them to learn. So I am intrigued to see what this latest film will show me.

Just by clicking on the You Tube link I am able to start watching this new film which begins with views of Varanassi, the area in India where Project Mala schools are based. As I have not visited Varanassi yet I am interested to grab a quick glimpse of the location whilst listening to some information about how and why Project Mala began. What I see next in the film is familiar…it is the lovely chalk-board logo of Project Mala, on a big banner at the road-side, indicating that one of the Project Mala schools is near. As I continue watching the film I get the opportunity to hear the teachers and the pupils at Project Mala schools. As a sponsor of one of the children Project Mala works with, I really appreciate being able to see and hear about the work of the charity, from those who are receiving it or helping to carry out its mission. I think a film such as this can really reassure sponsors and potential sponsors what their 30p sponsorship money, or other donated amount, can achieve.

Although I keep a watchful eye out for the particular child I have been sponsoring, there is a lot in this short film to catch my attention. I am particularly struck by the sight of the children smiling as they enter their school and how smart they look in their school uniforms. Listening to one of the teachers talking in the film I am impressed to hear about the range of subjects taught at the school with opportunities for vocational and academic lessons as well as games and sport…. no surprise that cricket is a favourite! It is also good to see the children tucking into a decent dinner. But perhaps the most memorable and heart-warming moments in the film are the children telling us why they like going to school and describing their dreams for the future. Thanks to Project Mala these children can dare to have dreams and dare to believe that one day they may come true. I for one hope that Project Mala continues to receive enough support to enable it to continue providing all it does for even more children in India. If you have not already seen the film, can you watch it now and decide what you think?