
Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog.

I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Friday, 2 April 2010

An introduction

Hello I’m Helen. I recently became a Project Mala sponsor, which means I make a small donation each month to a charity that works with children in India. Sponsoring a child in some way is something I have wanted to do for a while and I hope it will prove to be interesting as well as worthwhile. So I thought I would use this blog to let people know about my experience. I also hope that this blog may encourage readers to get involved with Project Mala ….there are various ways to do so. There is a lot of clear, concise and comprehensive information about Project Mala on their website (www.projectmala.org.uk) as well as some wonderful photos! I don’t want to duplicate that information, so this blog is an insight from a new sponsor’s perspective. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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