
Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog.

I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Friday, 2 April 2010

Frequently asked questions

The concerns I had before starting a sponsorship arrangement related to practical issues and I’m pleased to say Project Mala has been able to assure me of all of these. I’ve noted below some of the thoughts I had in case you are considering sponsorship and have similar queries:

What if the amount of sponsorship requested is more than I feel I could afford?
With Project Mala you can sponsor a child for just £9 a month ~ that’s just 30p per day.

What if my circumstances change?
Before checking the FAQ section of the Project Mala website, a query I had always had about child sponsorship arrangements was the length of the commitment. I worried about ‘signing up’ to something that could become difficult if my circumstances change. But as a Project Mala sponsor you are only committed for as long as you want to be. Sponsorships can be terminated at any time, without affecting the sponsored child receiving education in Project Mala schools.

How demanding will the arrangement become?

Another concern I had was how demanding the arrangement could become ~ both in terms of time and emotional involvement. I had heard of charities that encourage or require sponsors to exchange letters with their sponsored child. Project Mala’s way of working appealed to me because there is no facility for exchanging letters with the child you sponsor but you are given information about the individual child you sponsor as well as updates about Project Mala’s work as a whole. A sponsor receives information about the physical and academic profile of the child, details of their family and home then updates about the child’s progress. Project Mala’s explanation for this way of working, displayed in the faq section of their website, satisfied me as being sensible and sensitive to all concerned.

How difficult will it be to set up?
So far Project Mala sounded as if it was the perfect child sponsorship arrangement for me. All I was left to wonder was how difficult it would be to set up? The answer was not difficult at all….

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