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I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Saturday, 11 September 2010

School to be opened by 'The Voice'

I guess most of us have noticed that it is getting lighter later in the mornings, darker earlier in the evenings and children have returned to school after the summer break. So for most of us, holiday plans are not something we can think about for a while. But I am mindful that Project Mala sponsors who are able to take up the chance of joining the sponsors’ trip to India in February 2011, are able to “count the days” ‘til their fascinating experience begins. One of the exciting aspects to look forward to is the opportunity to hear from the range of people who are involved in Project Mala. An arguably important role in any charity is that of ‘patron’. Project Mala has several distinguished patrons, the names of whom can be seen on the Project Mala website. One of their patrons, Sir Mark Tully, has agreed to officially open Project Mala’s new Turkahan School during the sponsors’ trip. Sir Mark Tully has been described as “the voice of India” . A BBC correspondent for India for over 20 years he has written several books based on India and earned much recognition for his writing so he is bound to have something interesting to say. To me it “speaks volumes” that a man of Sir Mark’s reputation wants to support the work of Project Mala. I look forward to hearing what happens when he opens the new school.

Sir Mark Tully signing the visitors book at Guria.
Through some internet research I have found out more about the new school which Sir Mark is going to officially open during the sponsors' trip. Learning new information, which makes me think about what life is like for other people in a different part of the world, is one of the things I enjoy about being a Project Mala sponsor. Apparently the Project Mala school known as Turkahan School is in a village called Turkahan in Mirzapur District. It serves 7 villages within a 3km radius. The main Mirzapur station is approximately 15 km away. Turkahan School started in a small building consisting of two rooms.

But because more children needed a place at the school than the building could accommodate, a new school is being constructed with another charity which helps children in India, BaalDan

Learning that other charities want to work in partnership with Project Mala is another indication to me of the hard work and success of Project Mala; this also encourages me to be one of their sponsors. The new school expects to help three times more children than was possible in the old building. How impressive! As a person who values education, I am moved that so many children and families in Mirzapur will make the effort and sacrifices that have to be made in order to gain some education. I am also grateful that Project Mala, its staff and volunteers have the vision and dedication to work so hard that such opportunities can be possible. But it is only possible if potential sponsors play a part too. It really is amazing what can be achieved with £9 per month if you can give it to “the right people”: I think Project Mala are “the right people”.

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