
Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog.

I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Sunday, 30 May 2010

Message from Project Mala: Spread the word

It was good to receive a message recently which Project Mala sent to all its sponsors. Messages to sponsors from Project Mala are not so frequent they become troublesome...but received often enough to know I am not forgotten. This latest message is interesting as it is giving sponsors an opportunity to help in a small way which can make a big difference. The message asks sponsors such as me to consider putting a link to the Project Mala website on any websites we have. Apparently this could increase the likelihood of Project Mala appearing 'higher up the list' of results when surfers search the internet. Obviously this is crucial as many Project Mala sponsors find Project Mala through an internet search. It is only through more potential sponsors finding Project Mala and agreeing to sponsor a child that more children who need the help that Project Mala can provide will benefit from what Project Mala does. I already have the Project Mala website link on my Facebook page but as soon as I can I must think of other sites that I could add the Project Mala link to. Project Mala offers to help e.g. by supplying further information or the logo.

Another suggestion Project Mala makes in its message is to use printed media to get Project Mala into the public eye. They offer to supply any of us with press briefings about the work of Project Mala and/or the carpets if we would like to write to, or for, a local paper about our work. Perhaps I can approach some of the organisations I work with who have an interest in literacy. Can you think of anywhere or any way you could spread the word about Project Mala?   

It is good to see yet again how hard this charity works, dedicated and determined to reach as many potential sponsors as possible, thereby helping more children.         

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