
Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog.

I recently became a Project Mala sponsor,

which means I make a small donation each month

to a charity that works with children in India.

This blog is to let people know about my experience of being a Project Mala sponsor. I hope you will follow my journey and get in touch with any questions or comments you have.

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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

An adventure for Project Mala?

One of the organisations I have ‘liked’ on my facebook page is The Adventure Company because I had the great fortune to enjoy a wonderful trip to India with them. It was after I returned from that trip that I felt inspired to sponsor a child in India and set about searching for a charity through which I could do so. I have explained at the start of this blog how I was pleased to find Project Mala and why I chose that charity through which to sponsor a child. Two years later I am still pleased to do so!

I recently noticed on the Facebook homepage the following post from The Adventure Company: “We are looking for new projects to support! Do you know any good, sustainable grass roots projects / charities who might like to be part of our Foundation?” As you can imagine, Project Mala immediately came to my mind. I don’t know whether Project Mala would be interested in receiving support from The Adventure Company, so I have merely added the Project Mala website address and a brief description of its work, as my comment in response to the Adventure Company’s invitation for suggestions. I hope The Adventure Company may want to find out much more about Project Mala. I also hope that anyone who reads about The Adventure Company on its facebook page may see my suggestion and be curious enough to follow the link to find out more about the life-changing achievements of Project Mala. I think anyone who reads the Project Mala website will be as impressed as me and inclined to consider making a donation or sponsoring a child for just £9 a month, knowing how much Project Mala can accomplish with the financial support they receive. If you have not yet visited the Project Mala website and read about the schools it has set-up, please do have a look, just by clicking here. And if you are an Adventure Company fan, “happy travelling”.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

What can you get from Mala News?

It’s been another hectic half-term but I have not forgotten that on my ‘reading pile’ is the latest edition of the quarterly newsletter I received from Project Mala. I appreciate very much receiving this double-sided A4 page of words and pictures as it seems a perfect way for a child-sponsor such as me to keep in touch with the organisation that I am keen to be involved with, even though other commitments may limit my availability to do so. I am reminded that being a child-sponsor with Project Mala is ideal for me as I am not required to do anything on a regular basis or specific date ~ other than ensure there is £9 per month available in my account on the date of the direct debit ~ yet I receive much from the sponsorship arrangement including interesting information and intriguing insights of life in India.

It doesn’t take me long to read through the extremely well-written newsletter so I am able to read every word and find out a lot about the project, the pupils and life in eastern Uttar Pradesh. As I read the newsletter I reminisce about my own school-days. I learn a thing or two too!

As always, I am impressed with the dedication of those who work for the project and the attitude and achievements of the children. There is some sad news conveyed in this edition of the newsletter; I appreciate the sensitive way the matter has been handled by Project Mala. I enjoy looking at the colour photos which show the remarkable range of activities undertaken by the pupils, teachers and other people involved in Project Mala. Why not have a quick look at a copy of Mala News now so you can see for yourself what I mean? Pdf copies of the newsletters are available on the Project Mala website, just click here!